Pacific Northwest District Kiwanis Foundation

Key Club

Download a Scholarship Application


Thanks to generous donors and annual club gifts, the Pacific Northwest Kiwanis Foundation provides more than $18.000 US each year to support youth and young adults in Kiwanis Service Leadership Programs through district-wide awards, scholarships, and grants for leadership activities.

Did you Know?

Since 1988 the PNW Kiwanis Foundation has awarded almost $365,000 in scholarships to Key Club and CKI students.

Key Club Scholarships

Did you know...

  • Since 1988 the PNW Kiwanis Foundation has awarded Key Club scholarships totalling $206,0000

Scholarships for Key Club Members Accepted into College or University

Seven scholarships of at least $1000 are available to Key Club members accepted into college or university. Under recent changes, matching scholarships co-funded by the Kiwanis International Foundation will be available only to the top five Districts, as measured by per capita KIF annual fund giving.

Scholarship Amounts: $1,000 US minimum
Criteria: These awards are based on the commitment to community service by a graduating member of a Key Club within the Pacific Northwest District.
Deadline: Your application (in PDF form) must be received no later than 12:00pm (noon) on February 01, 2025
Link to Scholarship Application: PNW Scholarship Description and Qualifications
Applications MUST be emailed. Pacific Northwest Kiwanis Foundation
Please email your application in PDF form to:

Scholarship Descriptions

The Pacific Northwest Kiwanis Foundation's Erling M. Larsen Scholarship

This first scholarship was named in 2005 to honor Earling Larsen. He served on our Foundation Board from 1986 until 2003 and included a term as President in 1991/92. His early and generous donation of land and support provided a large portion of our current asset base.

The Pacific Northwest Kiwanis Foundation's Joe & Marion Epler Scholarship

In 2006 the Foundation named our second scholarship after our longest-serving Founding Director Joe Epler. Joe served on the board from 1986 to 2003, including two years as president in 1986-88. He served as PNW Kiwanis District Governor in 1959 and was an active Emeritus Board member until his death in March 2015.

Founding Director's Award

Our third scholarship was named in 2008 to recognize our original nine Founding Directors: Dick Bell, Jack Delf, Joe Epler, Gene Favell, Roy Frank, Otto Lawrence, Marshall McCann, Don Miles, and Bill Watts. These outstanding gentlemen had the vision and determination to establish this Foundation in 1985.

Emeritus Director's Award

Our fourth scholarship was named in 2008 to recognize those Directors whose efforts over time have been above and beyond the call of duty normally asked of our board members. This scholarship honors the contributions of George Cadman, Dick Rust, Howard Montoure and Jewell Bailey.

The Pacific Northwest Kiwanis Foundation's Sylvester Neal Scholarship

Our fifth scholarship was named in 2011 to honor Sylvester Neal. He served as PNW Kiwanis District Governor in the 2002-03 year, and as International Trustee from 2004 to 2007. He was elected International Vice President in 2007 and Kiwanis International President in 2010-11.

PNW Kiwanis Foundation Awards

These two scholarships are presented each year on behalf of the Foundation.

Pacific Northwest Kiwanis Foundation Scholarships: Recognizing Outstanding Graduating Key Club Members in 2023




Sponsoring Club

Boland, McKernan


Earling M. Larsen Scholarship


Conti, Eden


Joe and Marion Eppler Scholarship

Columbia Gorge

Deng, Grace


Founding Directors Award


FitzHenry, Kaitlyn


PNW Kiwanis Foundation/Kiwanis Children's Fund Scholarship

Redmond OR, Cascadia

Goodwin, Abigail


Jewell Bailey Scholarship


Lee, Stella


Emeritus Director's Award

Cedar Hills

Tran, May


Dick Tracy Memorial Scholarship

Mercer Island

Hulser, Landon


PNW Kiwanis Foundation's Sylvester Neal Scholarship


Please contact the Foundation Secretary for the recipient list back to 1988.