Pacific Northwest District Kiwanis Foundation


General Notes on Giving

Giving is a personal matter – each according to his or her ability, interest, and inclination. No gift is too small, or too large. The pride of participation in a lasting legacy for children and youth is what is important. There are two levels of Fellowship recognitions which can honor donors or which donors can use to honor others.

Tax Deductions

The Pacific Northwest Kiwanis Foundation is a non-profit Oregon corporation recognized by the U.S. Bureau of Internal Revenue (IRS Code 501(c)(3)).


The Foundation accepts US and Canadian gifts at par, based on residence of donor.

How to Make a Donation

It is sufficient to send a cheque payable to "Pacific Northwest Kiwanis Foundation" and a letter written with all relevant details including your phone number in case any additional details are needed. In some cases, application forms have been prepared for your convenience.

Fellowship Programs

Download a Donation Form

Fellowships appropriately honor individuals who have dedicated themselves to the principle of service to others. A Kiwanian will often secure his or her own fellowship, but sometimes clubs will make a contribution to the Foundation to honor a member, such as a Club President or Member of the Year.

Joan B. "Rusty" Clutts Fellowship1 $1,000 - $1,999
J.N. Emerson Diamond Fellowship2 $2,000 or more

Fellowships are recognized with a medallion on a lanyard, as well as a lapel pin. Receptions for recipients are held each year at the Pacific Northwest Kiwanis District Convention.

Many distinguished Kiwanis members from throughout the Pacific Northwest have become Foundation Fellows.

1 The Joan B. Clutts "Rusty" Fellowship is a tribute to the late Dr. Joan B. “Rusty” Clutts and her commitment to helping the children of the world.
2 J.N. Emerson was PNW Kiwanis District Governor in 1939 and Kiwanis International President in 1946-1947. He was also founder of Circle K clubs, which have grown to an international organization of about 10,000 college and university students.